Key Lime Ring...check it out Val
Yesterday I asked a friend for recipe advice because I was invited to an "All Dessert Party" (Sounds good don't it?) which I attended last night. And it was...good, that is.
She posted a great recipe for me. Desert Party! For Diana! Official thanks pal.
Unfortunately I did not make the dessert....or any dessert for that matter, but instead, rode my bike to a suburban supermarket and bought, (no bartering, no baking here) a classic-looking Key Lime Pie, which sneakily I slid onto a charming little plate and passed off as my own...HA HA! Got you guys! "My" pie fit in quite nicely with the home baked chocolate-chunk cookies, the hand-churnned ice cream with blueberry sauce, the mousse parfaits, and champage. Yes, champagne too!
Are all "All Dessert Parties" accompanied by champagne you ask? Not all...but when the intrepid hostess gets herself down on bended knee, (amongst cookie crumbs and blueberry sauce) in front of her long-time boyfriend and asks for his hand in marriage...then YES, you need champagne!!!!!
Val, you are a courageous woman.
It was terrific all around and my friends recipe surely would have been another tummy jammin' treat. So thanks again pal.
I must add that it wasn't sheer laziness or poor planning that led me to cheat on the pie, (a cheat far greater than Bisquick I must add) but it was a new and sudden job prospect that will bring me to my recipe-posting pals hood in the real near future. Look out preggy woman...I will see that round belly of your in person soon...yes I will!
Since I don't know where Preggy-woman lives, I don't know to which travel you allude. Are you coming to NY with Shawn next week? Shall there be visiting?
I do believe there shall be visiting soon...and the preggy one is hiding out in a rural valley near you, (no wacky-scrapey street machines there).
...and BTW, So much vagueness with this one, (the gig, that is...) that I'm only coming up if my hunny gets the gig - so there!
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Hey, I've talked him up to the Producer and the Director, so I've done my part.
Yo. Don't get me wrong! We totally and utterly appreciate your connect!...seriously.
But you'd have to admit, (after hearing the details)...there is some wacky weirdness going on. Me-thinks it's bit of intimidation tactics. But we can handle it. How's the job going?
See you next week.
I made a blog! I am somebody!
Thanks for attending. Did you here that I switched my answer from 'let me think about it' to 'yes' as soon as y'all left?
It's really not a bad way to stay in touch with people...in addition to the "being somebody" benefit.
BTW Good call on the, "YES"
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